
Alberto Giacometti

Is this the episode where he finds out he was adopted?

Why are asking, comrade? In People's Glorious New Democracy all albums are Aerosmith, and all people are happy. Are you not happy, comrade? Would be great shame to have to re-educate you again…

But they don't specify which format syncs up best…should I use my gold disc version, or the SACD, or the minidisc, or the DVD-A, or…

I can recall the halcyon days when AF were plucky upstarts creating interesting music…now, just a little too self-important and testing all our collective patience. See what happens when you overpraise your children? Thanks for ruining them Grammy Award voters.

Just to Neighborhoods #1 through #4

Flight time on the Vomit Comet is very spendy. Someone should run out and tell those fellas this was horrible waste of money…ok, go.

All of those couples are listening to Dire Straights at home?

Huh, huh…you said Middlesex…huh, huh.

There's a real woman named Siri in my Eye-foan? How ever did the squeeze her in there? Maybe Einstiein was right and the damn cat has been dead in that box the whole time.

Matters not, size does.

Type "blam" to start shooting…

Man, the Beatles are getting rather derivative these days.

Looks like they are exclusively shopping at Deseret Book stores.

Bowie's in space, man.

The cynicism is so thick you can spread it on toast!

0:56 - metalhead #2 smells fart from metalhead #1, is disgusted

Think of all the PSAs featuring Vice President Palin we missed out on. Thanks Obama.

Somehow the lyrics to "Bitchin' Camaro" come to mind…

TAL basically launched the careers of Sedaris, Hodgman, Birbiglia, et. al. You're welcome, world.