
Oh, she's in the Guinness book alright…for most hair piled on top of a desiccated old prune.

Well, sure if you want to stick to the literal truth and history of the events and facts that's what happened. In order to spare the feelings of our less emotionally mature commentariat members, we should just say Space Ghost went to visit his uncle's farm upstate.

That is a pretty rude thing to say about us. You will rue the day…you will rue the day.

Disney: mining other people's artwork for profit since 1928

In Mother Russia, geography knows where YOU are…nyet, not geography…is police. Police knows where you are.

It's like the old joke about a writer and editor lost in the desert. They come to an oasis with a fresh water pond. The writer starts lustily drinking while the editor looks at the water then starts pissing in it. "Don't worry. This will make it better."

Do you realize how gross the inside of DP's helmets must be by now?

Bacon doesn't discriminate.

Cue flamewar in 3, 2, 1..

This show got made…except the studio retooled it, called it"Dinotrux", and sold it to Netflix.

What is the glyph for "Thunderdome?"

His appearances on TDS speak otherwise.

Who holds back the electric car?

The vocabulary easily betrays the speaker. Polysyllabic, archaic verbiage: Burns; monosyllabic utterance from a syphilitic mind: Trump

Eh, anybody can be nobility now. In the old days you had to earn that shit by being the mentally deficient offspring of inbred aristocrats.

The idea was scratched because it was a hair brained idea. Whisker.

Alan Smithee's house is just the facade.

The llama is unimpressed with your back fat, dude.

Hmm…from the tone of things down below, looks like only Ira Glass and I like Radiolab. I will agree that it tends toward the self indulgent, and can resemble an overlong version of the pot scene in Animal House.

A bigger ethical dilemma: the choice of hair product for the cast