
People tell me The Beatles are really good, and I believe them because Paul McCartney performed at the Olympics, but you'd think at least one of those geniuses would have noticed they didn't spell "beetle" correctly. Think they figured it out after the first record, and just left it to avoid confusion?

The Wilco entry is especially apt, considering Jeff Tweedy's now well-known penchant for taking his decidedly folky songwriting style and subjecting it to many sonic reinventions before the final product is out. Live and demo versions of his songs often bear no resemblance to the album tracks. Probably the strong

In Berkeley there is a Vietnamese soup cafe called Phở King. If you are up on the native pronunciation, this is even more fun. Also, there is Phở Eva in San Diego. Why isn't there a Phở Queue?

Q: What do you call the quarterback of the Wisconsin Cheesheads?
A: Manly Munn Muff Muncher

This conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.

That's funny, you don't look Druish…

That's amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage.

What, no I Heart Huckabees?

Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say.

That man in a bat costume is a serial killer. You'd think the media would have given him some kind of nickname by now…

This was the zenith of Western Civilization.


If you spay or neuter it, then it will probably stop territorial spraying. But, don't declaw. That's barbaric.

Looks like someone is seeing some favorable polling results.

I thought the secret ingredient was water…and copious amounts of LSD.

An Andrew Dice Clay bit comes to mind, now that you mention it.

We've got movie sign.

Not fiction. A pal of mine works as a design engineer for one of those nasty conglomerates that makes all the killing machines, and they couldn't figure out why the bearings on a lift for getting planes up to the flight deck on a carrier were corroding prematurely. Turns out the sailors were pissing down an adjacent

Still not as funny as the real audio but still…

Stop being competent, GJ,I! It's no fun when we can't whine incessantly about the low quality of your posting.