
Patton Oswalt had a fun riff on aggregation = theft over the weekend.

Who are you going to contact via wired telephone?

What is the word for feeling intense embarrassment for someone else? Schmempathy?

It's just a dream he keeps having. It doesn't seem to mean anything.

I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a GJ,I! today.


You are forgetting Golda Meir, maybe? I don't mean to make a broiges, but a little of the searching and you maybe have a real mensch.

Your ideas are rather thin. Maybe you should flesh them out more?

A well made mashup, or a sign of the impending apocalypse?

I beg your pardon? I'm gonna slap you in the mouth with my…

More jobs need hecklers.

When did GJ,I! turn into Lifehacker?

They cut out the part where they show the Kochs raising them from puppies in inhumane, crowded kennels.

That's a strong ticket. It will surely deliver all of the swing-voters.

Didn't T'ky once say he put that in to make people get bored and leave the theater?

"The thing that strikes me…is the athleticism"

Though to be fair, you should warn them about the 20 minute driving sequence.

Can we please take up a collection to get Mr. Coogin out of his current squalor?

Waste away. We've already donned our stillsuits. Urine and feces are process in the thigh pads. Chic!

Praying to Hormel? Perhaps remaining a ward of the state is safer.