
Smelting is murder.

We can't stop. It's too dangerous. We have to slow down first.

Michael Cera is calling himself what now?

Redundant and recursive

Some kid in my Music Appreciation class wrote his term paper on the cultural significance of each member of EM and the real-life musician he/she represented. MFer got an A, too.

Street Frogs.

No one is going to make a "Kill 'Em All" or "Ride the Lightning" joke? Ok.

Iran into someone with the same opinion. You doubt? I assure you he Isreal.

Or Rhodesia?

Internet seems to like this Game of Thrones thing a bit too much. Time to go outside and play, Internet. You're wasting your Summer Vacation indoors.

Or should it be Iceburgh?

Just one Corddry brother? Bad job, Internet.

Or that ep. of The Flash he was in circa 1990

Is he the incumbent from the Silly Party, or the challenger from the Very Silly Party?

Stupid snake, eating it's own tail.

The "Previous" and "Next" GJ,I! links refer to this same post. Are we in Groundhog Day?

Dream sequence?

…something…something…Jared from Subway…something…something…

But can Yaketty play second base better than his brother, Steve?

*Internet humps Chuck's leg*