
Your assignment: Compare and contrast the response to "free" records released by Wilco and U2. Use one sheet of paper. You may begin.

Become roadkill?

"As a non-British person, I'd like to remind you to shut your pie hole."

Poor choice of words, given the topic of the controversy, no? Or, is she just trolling all of us? If so, well played, Stoner.

It's true. Neil Young told me so.

Were all the Cinerama cameras busy?

Not good for the labels, which might be a blessing.

Well played.

The horror. The horror.

"Twisting" is way too on the nose. Plus, the switch from B&W to Technicolor isn't nearly as strong as DSotR. Cha-ching! -> color! That's how it's done.

The whole Judy Garland thing kind of turned me on…

Satisfied with decision to delete FB account: Day 519

Wouldn't really go much higher than a cayman, myself

So that's what Step 2 is. My memo just says:

Better if it was Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

Yeah, like The The

Oh, laid OFF. I stopped listening when HR told us we were getting laid.

Pink Floyd and Wizard of Oz was gnar, man! Pass the Doritos, dude!

I think it's time to just accept the Internet for who/what/why it is, and move on with our lives. I, for one, plan to restart that screenplay I've been working on for the better part of a decade.

Hey, big thanks for correcting me. Paraphrasing for thematic continuity shall not be tolerated in the AV Club comments. Keep up the good work.