
Didn't Mike Judge teach us that school lunch crops grow best when watered with Gatorade?

I am LITERALLY so excited, AND I just can't hide it.

And to think all this time I thought his name was spelled: Huge Ackman

I'll get you next time Internet! Next time!

That's what I'm…

Ah, yes, The '80s. When overt sexism and discrimination were adorable.

Thanks for not leaving me hanging. Was beginning to wonder if this thing was still on, or I was in the wrong thread.

Go towards the light…beer.

"…some of the worst presidents were teatotalers…"

Go crazy?

Apropos of this post (in a tangential way) there is a Songza station for Wes Anderson soundtrack/scores. Now you can score you own life like a WA film.

Robert Frost-ed Flakes? (too on the nose?)

"Good source of existential despair"…could be said of GJ,I.

A not-too-subtle visual nod to Monty Python from the TAL TV series

That was double plus good.


It was not. That is an actual location in a remote, hidden corner of Canyonlands N.P. where the local tribe worships the Mustache God from beyond the deserts.

Cue the money quote from Super Size Me…

David Ayers gets a little touchy when he posts anonymously, doesn't he?

Serenity now, insanity later.