
I kept waiting for a reveal at the end that it was somehow the escaped soul posing as Sam. I don't know how that would work, but it seemed to make more sense than just dropping it.

Did I miss something?
Ok, maybe I missed something, but the escaped guy who got out of his deal with the devil clubbed Sam with the vessel, and then took off, but then they just dropped that. Sam wasn't concerned that the guy attacked him, we didn't know if he left the vessel, it just transitioned to happy Sam. I

Or am I confusing you with another commenter?

I thought you were smacked down for thinking his flashback was a flashforward like Sun's. Lots of people thought it was likely that Jin wasn't dead (especially since he's still a series regular).

The best part of Barney's video resume
The waterfall of awesome.

Wiping? I thought it was jock itch.

You're already extinct. You'd think that the design of a website would be the least of your worries.

I just hit rewind on the TiVo to make sure I really did hear that right. After reading all of this, I feel like my reaction wasn't strong enough.

It's not awful; it was fairly enjoyable. It wasn't up for any Oscars, but I've paid to see much more painful things. You'll certainly have plenty of "hey, I know that place" moments. If you enjoyed it, I can only assume that neither of the two months you spent there were in the winter.

I'm just impressed you brought up Kalamazoo? I thought I was the only person to ever see that movie.

Full price for gum? That dog won't hunt, monsignor.

Can't try out
I'm still waiting for the call that's never going to come.

Not sure if I'd use the word never, but Farley really wasn't funny.

Did they decide to go with a prequel because Kate Beckinsale didn't want to come back?

Chase has had some good movies, but they've definitely been hidden among some horrible ones. Then again, that describes most people from SNL (unless they were strictly in the horrible movie category).

Chase has had some good movies, but they've definitely been hidden among some horrible ones. Then again, that describes most people from SNL (unless they were strictly in the horrible movie category).

Not so guilty displeasures
South Park: Everyone who knows me tells me I would love it, but I cannot stand to watch it. The same went for Team America.

same problem using FF, IE or Chrome on a PC.

same problem using FF, IE or Chrome on a PC.

@shorepatrol: Isn't that the one with Keanu Reeves? She was in that?