
Yeah, they pretty much had me at "alien helps vikings fight alien." Or more acurately at "alien…vikings…fight." Throwing Ron Perlman is just kind of a bonus.

No, Richard is clearly not skipping and has a memory of Locke meeting him in the fairly distant past, giving him a compass and telling him to meet him and pull the bullet out of his leg. The confusing part about that is how Richard knew when. Locke didn't know when he was. He knew where, but not when, but he is going

Sun was pregnant on the island, but the implication was that if she didn't leave, she and the baby would die.

That Shawow guy is a liar. He told me that the shamwow wasn't available in stores. A couple days ago, I was walking through Target and there it was.

So, if the baby is with its grandmother, why does Sun only carry around an old picture? It's been three years since they got back and she was alreayd pregnant when they left the island and she delivered early. That baby wasn't 2.

"you'd look creepy too if you were spending time with your father's zombie."

His death was absolutely perfect. I was complaining about the fact that no one had ever punched him right as the flaming arrow hit him in the chest.

Beardless, ready to rock and having just completed the Benjamin Linus one-step program.

Sheesh! Who trains you people to load dishwashers? Sharp knives should never go in the dishwasher, it's dangerous and very bad for the knives. Handwash them so that you don't end up with a dull knife that you force through a tomato and into your hand.

It's a side effect of the time screw up. Memory loss was one of the problems. Daniel has had it to some extent (perhaps less with Desmond as a constant?) from his introduction in S4.

does _not_

As long as Noel does start getting nosebleeds, we should be ok.

Chorus or voice of the fan, he works on an emotional level because he plays vulnerable perfectly and on a very different plane than the others. It isn't that he is an addict (Jack) or a victim of his own terrible decision making (Kate) or completely devoid of hope after losing everything he's ever loved (Sayid). It's

I don't know. I thought Hurley's "There was a button we had to push every 108 minutes or else…well, I was never really clear on that." was pretty funny and while obviously a nod to the audience was also reasonably accurate. We know more about it than they do because we've seen Mrs. Hawking say that the world depended

I have to go to sleep so I can actually go to work tomorrow
but I loved that. And Locke sure can make an entrance.

Weekend at Bernie's 3?

Rush Limbaugh smokes cigarettes? I thought it was painkillers or nothing.

We're going to read a headline about GE&S being shot during a domestic dispute sometime in the near future.

He made it to the showcase. I don't think he won there.

We call him Batmanuel or Luis. Even now that he's Richard, I still like to call him Batmanuel.