
Ugh those millenials, ruining everyone's music again.

Fucking Claire Standish from the Breakfast Club. Because now, "Claire's a fat girl's name."

Only Pharrell can prevent Phorest Phires.

I watched The Fisher King and the original version of The Wicker Man in a sociology class in high school. Both left quite an impression.

Northern Exposure.  Dr. Joel Fleischman.

Esther Price
I agree that the choc covered potato chips aren't anything special, but I have to defend Esther Price's chocolate itself. They make damn good candy, not glamorous, but includes the world's most delicious buttercream chocolates. Plus they are made pretty much exclusively by sweet little old ladies.

More PSH (great initials) love. I immediately hoped his Capote would be on here. Recently watched Doubt for the first time as well… he shines in everything he does (not that Doubt wasn't chock full of other amazing performances).

Another bibliophile's add-ons
Some great picks, and at the risk of sounding too book-clubby, here are my adds:
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers (2000)
The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri (2004)
Lark and Termite by Jayne Ann Phillips (2009)
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (2003)
Fingersmith by Sarah


The scene in the wedding dress shop thrilled me- I think Mays has great energy and her voice, assuming it was hers, was fantastic.

If I was a flower growin' wild and free
My cousin just got married and they exited the chapel to "All I want is you" by Barry Louis Polisar. Interestingly, neither of them had seen Juno (which it appears in), which made it cooler for me. It was a nice surprise to have such a sweet little upbeat song as they walked

They had a spot on Fresh Air yesterday that had me in stitches, and prompted about two hours of watching Showalter's comedy online. If you haven't seen/heard the "Cats" bit from his album, Sandwiches and Cats, I highly recommend it. Basically some girl brought two cats in a little carrier to the show he

I know- I wonder if permission was required/asked/given. I'm kind of scandalized.

Perez Hilton
This post requires admitting I read it, but… Is anyone else aware that Perez Hilton cribbed this article and posted it this evening on his blog? He provides a link to the av. club but doesn't credit nabin in the post.

Waiting for Guffman
Though he doesn't actually ever appear in the film, the whole movie revolves around the supposed visit of broadway producer/theater critic Mort Guffman. I could be missing the point of this inventory though, which I admit, happens sometimes. OR maybe I just wanted an excuse to rewatch Guffman,

Dear AV Club
I graduated college yesterday, receiving my B.A., and am now about to enter law school. I feel like this list is celebrating my new future, (especially because I have such a hard time watching any of these courtroom scenes without cringing a little) so thank you for the inadvertent nod to an

Agreed. When I grow up, I want to be a principal, or a caterpillar…or an AV club staffer?

i feel so with it!
My friends and I saw this in a convenience store while on a beer run last june and couldn't resist conducting our own taste test.

A little overlap- I've been on a major Magnetic Fields kick lately.