Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Less embarrassment?

From "A Summer Place"…
It's the theme…
From "A Summer Place"…

Hello, Mr. Thompson.

The foyve vaowels are aye, aye, aye, aye-oo, and yew.

Well actually, I wrote my thesis on life experience!

The "Pobody's Nerfect" thing is pretty relatable to anybody who had a nerdy specialized hobby as a kid, whether it be juggling, Lego, magic tricks, or whatever.

The A.V. Club

"Eets a blahdy outryge"

He's history's greatest monster!

So hot snow falls up?

He's saying that if Springfield is in the eastern US, then a flight from Springfield to Australia might possibly go:

Heh, he talks funny.

I might be reaching here, but that remark of Bart's seems to capture something about the way kids aged 10 to 14 see the world. There's this vague idea that scientific rules are just something the teacher made up to hassle or annoy you.

I just absolutely love that the lyrics to the song are "I'm-a singing in the the shower"


When I was in grade 6, each kid in my class got assigned a country that we were supposed to do a report on.

After years of disappointment with get-rich-quick schemes, I just know I'm going to get rich with this scheme! And quick!

"I'm only Milhouse vhen he gets huhrt!"

The A.V. Club