Non-Giving-Up School Guy

I did that in real life too! When I was the best man at my brother's wedding!

Powerful weak!

I love how the "Junior" is in the middle of his name.

Homer saying "My dad Tom Bosley" is just so perfect. It's a great example of Homer's stupidity being a kind of surreal stupidity with a very twisted logic. He says "Tom Bosley" rather than saying "Mr. Cunningham", yet he still somehow thinks it's his own father.

I say that one a lot, along with "Yes, Moe. I'm going to dig up some corpses."

I'm not exaggerating when I say that this might be my single all-time favorite joke about professional sports.

As a college math instructor, that line is sadly all too relatable.

I actually refer to that general style of joke as an "Aaronson-Zykowski joke"

"I've had just about enough of your Vassar-bashing, young lady!"

One of the many wonderful things about Homer's rant about stealing and Captain What's-his-name and Police Academy:

I'm OK today! My mom bought deodorant!

The show is so rich with jokes, they have several just about the number nine-one-one.

Sort of related:

You left out "pleasant"! (thwack)

The A.V. Club

I'm pretty sure I actually had a mix CD that had both "Du Hast" and Aimee Mann's "Save Me". I don't think they were right next to each other, though.

I feel compelled to comment here, as I am a formerly frequent A.V. Club commenter, as well as an assistant professor of mathematics in real life.

Yeah. I wasn't always the biggest fan of Robin Williams' comedy. There were some things he did in his career that were very good, and some other things he did that weren't the best use of his talents.

Once when I was in the checkout line at the grocery store, I saw one of those Archie and Jughead comics for sale.