Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Yeah, I was gonna say, if Beyonce is your prototype for a B girl, how the hell many A girls do you think there are in this world?

Oh, I bet you can find detailed explanations on the internet of how anthropomorphic machines would have sexual intercourse.

She also looks like a rejected idea for a Muppet.

I disagree about the less/fewer distinction being useful. I'm aware of the distinction and therefore I (somewhat grudgingly) maintain the distinction in formal writing, but I can't see how "less cows" is any less clear than, or conveys any difference in meaning from, "fewer cows".

Wizzle wozzle?

I love that, and I also love that the accent in which the character says "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow" is deliberately very hard to place — a little Irish, a little Scandinavian, but basically just "unspecified 1890s European immigrant to America"

Once when watching Jeopardy!, I was able to correctly respond to a clue about Knoxville because of this episode, and I was inordinately proud of myself.

True or false: You can get mono from riding the monorail.

As a jock, Homer's duty is to give nerds a hard time.

Westward migration resulted in an "averaging" effect when it comes to accents. Generally speaking, cities in the west half of North America are younger, and were populated by people whose parents came from a bunch of different places.

But Delaware is where I live!

If you like Ween, you and I will probably get along.

I remember when I saw Ghost World, being somewhat enamored with Thora Birch, but barely even noticing Scarlett Johansson.

It's fun to see Louie do impressions, which he almost never does. His voices weren't bad.

Cartoons don't have to be 100% realistic.

Eet… no longair exists.

The A.V. Club

Aw, man, I've been calling all women "Crandall"!

My first was "Bart the Genius".

So Chance is a mid-20th century Warner Brothers cartoon character like Wile E. Coyote?