Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Can you make one of those that cycles all the way around?

I'm older than Mondale, and that's the truth,
But I won't exploit my opponent's youth!

The guy I'm really looking for (wink) is Mr. Bribe. (wink wink)

That rant is brilliant at capturing the mundane little differences you notice when you move to another state or whatnot. The essentials are still the same, but convenience stores have different names, the weather people on TV are different, you see bumper stickers for sports teams you don't normally seeā€¦

"Go Tuck Yourself In"

I'm not regular person attractive, but I am "nerd attractive".

Yes, Mr. Sherman. Everything stinks.

Stupid TV! Be more funny!

I've always loved how out of date Marge's crushes are.

The baby looked at you?

I just realized that Bart's "creating a diversion" in that Telltale Heart episode is kind of similar to this. Like father, like son.

Whenever I do a JFK impression, I start with, "I, er, am, uh, President Kennedy" just like Homer does.

I see you've nlayed kpifey snoopy before.

"Now I'm gonna haul ass to Lollapalooza."


Such a great "We didn't think this plan through" moment.

The Battle of Hastings was a 1066 battle in which William of Normandy defeated MY ROOMATE SCOTT IS TOTALLY GAY!!!

I would actually love it if more advertisers used that strategy.

Well, you see, a wizard did it.

I'm in Delaware too! I might attend an AV Club meetup in either Philly or DC.