Non-Giving-Up School Guy

I understand the words "never seen", and I understand the words "The Simpsons", but I don't understand them together.

Go back to Taxachusetts!

First of all, Milhouse, it's "fudge-sickle".

"that" sandwich

"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?"

I'm allergic to bees, Mr. Burns. They cause me to, um, die.


Nor Ethel Merman.

Big Gulps, huh?

It's like "That wasn't part of our deal, Blackheart. THAT WASN'T PART!"

Oh, there are some great moments on The Simpsons in general when the family members stare blankly at one family member who's said something strange.

"See, black guys drive a car like this, but white guys drive a car like this."

Oh, I *always* answer the phone with "Yello". Come on and get with the program, people.

Haven't you learned anything, Homer?

Welcome to a talk show hosted by a bear. Where nothing could possibligh go wrong.

In fairness, if my name was Godfrey, I would pause like that when introducing myself.

Some people might argue that "The Sixties" as a pop-cultural era started in the winter of 1963-64 (JFK assassination, and Beatles on Sullivan)

And maybe Duran Duran for the 80s? If we want a band that captures the best and worst of that era?

That brings to mind an idea for a possible Inventory: