Non-Giving-Up School Guy

(gives Captain Dada a slow hand of applause)

"Krusty visits relatives in Annapolis, Maryland"

Seasons 5 and 6 are the height of The Simpsons.

My friend Mark! Where do you go?


Why, this rickety ladder looks like the perfect place for this priceless Ming vase!

That's exactly why I want to learn them.

Cigars are for big-time comedians like Bill Crosby or David Letterson.

Two kittens were on the roof. Which one fell off first?

And then he put the cat out, possibly because it was sexually harassed. We don't know.


"HAIL ANTS": the funniest ever eight letters on The Simpsons? Discuss.

Note: Charles Don Hall died on the way to his home planet

I think there's a lot of misogynistic bitterness and a lot of oversimplification in the "pickup artist" community and among the Red Pill folks at Reddit, but I don't think it's 100% meaningless to talk about alpha and non-alpha behaviors.

I like that scene.

Neil Patrick Harris and John C. Reilly.

The aristocrats!

(in soft middle-aged Liverpool voice) Well, to be honest, Chris, I'd prefer to forget about that.

You can't spell "weatherstripping" without "writers".

Hey! Deng Xiao Ping died!