Non-Giving-Up School Guy

"I know you meant well"

Whatchoo wahn! Whatchoo wahn! Whatchoo gawnna doo…

Ah, Gabbo. He'll tell us what to do.

(writes down "Dead Wife" in notebook)


Hell damn ass opposed!

I mean, we can't be out there "policing" the whole city.

Similarly, from another episode:

Oh my god, I didn't fully realize that until just now.

I often refer to dogs as "dogoggie" because of this scene.

Nice try, Seymour Skinner.

This is a Snagglepuss drawn by Hick Heisler, it is worth something!

Are you saying you don't know who that is?

Yes, that would be acceptable.

Yeah, I'm 38, turning 39 later this month, and I remember these guys seeming way way younger than me. But now, I see "34", and I think, "Hey, he was the same age as me, how did that happen?"

And then eventually, the lighter one.


Jim Wallace, Associated Press. Is this a joke?

I also like how "Pam" isn't the right number of syllables.

I read the whole thing, and I hate myself, but those two facts are unrelated.