Non-Giving-Up School Guy

RIP, guy who I always confused with Richie Valens.



Math jokes and Simpsons jokes together?

"That dad from Drabble is like an unfunny version of me." — Homer Simpson

It's not about judging those who are born into wealth, or punishing them for the sake of punishing them.

"TV. Teacher. Mother. Secret lover."

I, too, find the "-ockman" thing really funny.


No talking.

I love how Skinner just unhesitatingly explains what the word "if" means. It doesn't even faze him.


"Moon pie. What a time to be alive!"

That is a really frigging funny line. And it's similar, in a way, to the "Gabbo" episode, when Homer says "He'll tell us what to do!"

I just love how freaking *angry* Homer is when he says that. You can especially hear it in the last two words.


That might actually be the closest real-life counterpart to the "magic xylophone" comment.


It's quite similar to "Stan! Stan! He's our boy! If he can't do it, no one will!"

One reason I love that line is that it plays with the way that characters in fictional entertainment will sometimes narrate their own predicaments a bit too cleverly and articulately.