Non-Giving-Up School Guy


"You killed the zombie Thatcher!"

Famous people die in sets of 3, but non-famous people die in sets of 30,000.

Well, not the whole family. Lisa is "Lisa Marie Simpson" (at least in "Lisa's Wedding")

Stop! He's already dead!

More evidence that The Simpsons is the best sitcom of all time:

That's what they said about Urkel… that little snot! Boy, I'd like to punch that kid…

(sees Count Chocula)

Stand up for yourself, Poindexter!

It costs extra to teach the boorish manners of a Yalie.

"The dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you"

Grown Ups 2: Grown Ups Poo

"Ass 2: Pooping Ass"

I thought it meant nude, but with a superhero cape.

I also like to think of attractive women when I masturbate.

I don't know this song that well, but when it comes to the song "And She Was", David Byrne has said that it was partly inspired by a hippie woman he knew in Baltimore who would drop acid and hang out near a highway near a factory that made chocolate syrup.


That's actually a really good succinct description of a lot of "hipster" looks.

Guarantee void in Tennessee.

Yelling in his ears is cruel.