Non-Giving-Up School Guy

This could be the weakest Season 5 episode, but that's partly because The Simpsons Season 5 is possibly the greatest season of any television program in history.

That's fair.

As someone who grew up in Canada, I always thought Kent Brockman looked remarkably like Lloyd Robertson.

I like the elephant episode, but I remember it being quite divisive when it was new.

I love that a ten-year-old kid knows the singer's first name.

Mmm… floor pie-ty.

Thumbs up.

And lobsters aren't kosher, making that rather… sacrilicious.

No, he's not an authority, beyond the fact that trivia nerds and Simpsons nerds have a lot of overlap with each other.

Smithers: Hello, Mrs. Burns? This is Waylon Smithers. I have your son Montgomery on the line…

I also think the word "this" makes it even funnier.

"A certain kind of soft drink has been found to be lethal. We won't tell you which one until after sports and the weather with Funny Sonny Storm."

"Whatever you say, Mr. Billboard!"

They forgot to correct for wind resistance.

I love the little "uh" before Al says "no", almost like "I need to take a beat to set up this real zinger of a reply."

I freaking love that the suggested meeting place is "up in that tree".

5 might be my favorite. Perhaps 6 is my second favorite?

See, this is when you know a half-hour comedy show is one of the greatest institutions in comedy history.

Do we have to start over?

Or "Editor-in-Chimp"