Non-Giving-Up School Guy

And did you shout "Da da da DA da DA!"

Yeah, this might sound hyperbolic, but you know how when you watch Casablanca, or Hamlet, you think to yourself, "Man, every second or third line is a really classic line!"

My big opportunity's coming up in about five episodes or so!

I know there's something quixotic about trying to pick just one episode as your favorite or best. But if forced to, there are several solid choices. Hank Azaria has said  his favorite is "Cape Feare". Writer Chris Turner has said "Last Exit to Springfield". Jeopardy! champ Ken Jennings has said "Lemon of Troy".

One of *everybody's* thesis advisors looks like Alton Brown.


Or "Answer the question, Claire!"

Dad always said laughter was the best medicine. I guess that's why several of us died of tuberculosis.

I'm reminded a little of the following.

"I'm bummed out."

I like when they watch the animatronic Three Little Pigs thing, and Homer says in a completely deadpan way, "Well, it was good, but not great."

Like this piece on the anniversary of Beetle Bailey.

Officer Steve… GRABOWSKI.

Curmudgeonly dismissive icons of their medium? For *animated* cartoons, maybe John Kricfalusi could be there.

Yes. In fact, maybe the expression "jumped the shark" should be replaced with "showed the land of jockeys".

"How are you a political prisoner?"

I always love Marge's references to outdated 1970s celebrities, like Tom Jones and Lee Majors. (Although Tom Jones did later experience a bit of a renaissance.) And I love that the Beatle who she painted and wrote to was Ringo.

But Marge, what do you think I got it for?

And it still has only one button, but it looks sleek!

I say that line all the time in real life! That one, and Helen Hunt as Renee: "Yes, Moe, I'm going to dig up some corpses."