Non-Giving-Up School Guy

We were sitting in Barney's car eating packets of mustard. You happy?

"In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"

Not much, what'sa new bein' with you?

This one surprised me a little, but I think it may say something about how common and mainstream tattoos are today.

Phish fans don't even need to smoke weed. They're permanently stoned. It's like how in Asterix comics, Obelix was dipped in the strength potion when he was a baby.

I remember one time that I caught myself doing this type of thing, and it really gave me pause.

But offstage, things were falling apart. Into a nightmare descent. Of retardedness.

Thurman Munson

Somewhat related: I hate beer commercials.

I was born in 1974. I remember absolutely *despising* New Kids on the Block in 1989 or 1990, when I was 15 or 16.

I don't even *own* a pop culture.

"Let me be blunt. Is there a labor crisis in America?"

Six feet under, dawg.

(Sigh.) This is an Underdog. Drawn by Buck Biggers. It is worth something.

That's mostly true.

Chocolate & Cheese #1, White Pepper #2, everything else is just details.

I saw Ween in concert twice, and I would describe the crowd as:

Also, "Gabrielle" is the best song Thin Lizzy never recorded

Yes. Ween excels at straddling that line of "is it parody, or an homage?"

We didn't have a phone message BEFORE we went out! How very odd!