Non-Giving-Up School Guy

The real-life Schwarzenegger, Willis, and Stallone need to start making a live-action Three Stooges movie NOW.

Truman holding a newspaper that says "Truman Dead" is one of the best quick background jokes of all time.

I freaking LOVE that the squeaky-voiced guy actually WENT TO CHECK whether Bart really made his own casino in his treehouse.

I think it was "streets" of Sussex, but you never can tell, because those English folks speak our language funny.

So, like, is that an Alan Dershowitz reference, or what?

That spot on Gorbachev's head? Herpes.

Do you watch the European French version, or the Canadian French version?



"Mr Burns's mother is 132 years old, so try to sound a little more dessicated. And she doesn't call her son Mr Burns!"

It's true! It was the guy who cut up George Washington.

Uuunhh! You can stay, but I'm leaving!

Ooh, also, in a way, similar to the billboards in "Homie The Clown"

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

You have committed sacri..licious..ness?

That reminds me a lot of when I was probably about 15 or possibly 16, and I had a crush on this one girl, and I didn't really do much about it except remark on things like, "Hey, that street name is the same as her last name."

It's similar, in a way, to the "Kurns" joke in the "Burns's Heir" episode.

Look at the dad in Drabble. He's like an unfunny version of me.

Oh man, that is seriously one of Homer's best spur-of-the-moment lies ever.
