Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Hey, part of that is similar to "pravda", which is the Russian word for "truth"!

"Sincerely, little girl."

Put it in H!

I also love just HOW bad of a fake name it is.

You mean J.D. McGregor?!

I once had the idea of starting a Twitter account called "Fake Dennis Miller" or something similar, but I found that it's really hard to come up with pretend Miller jokes.

Something something, Burt Ward

Conrad Bain in "A Variety of Cerebrovascular Accidents"

I seem to remember a Rob Lowe episode in the late 90s where he did an awesome Shaggy impression, and Scooby Doo talked about the death penalty. Or should I say, "reth rennalty".

And now it's time for… The Big Ear Family!


"I've had just about enough of your Vassar-bashing, young lady!"

"I've had just about enough of your Vassar-bashing, young lady!"

"Achy Breaky Stacy's only a dollar ninety-nine."

"Achy Breaky Stacy's only a dollar ninety-nine."

"Now Bart, you must promise not to fall in love with me!"

"Now Bart, you must promise not to fall in love with me!"

Ooh, also "Lee Carvalo's Putting Challenge"

Ooh, also "Lee Carvalo's Putting Challenge"

Homer, are you going to smash Ned Flanders' head with that lead pipe?