Non-Giving-Up School Guy

We also would have accepted "Have Franklin Roosevelt killed"

Of course Mr. Burns would use the etymologically correct Italian singular noun. Of course.

Of course Mr. Burns would use the etymologically correct Italian singular noun. Of course.

The fact is, you don't need to be able to read to enjoy the Springfield Review of Books! Why, just look at these amusing caricatures of Gore Vidal and Susan Sontag!

The fact is, you don't need to be able to read to enjoy the Springfield Review of Books! Why, just look at these amusing caricatures of Gore Vidal and Susan Sontag!

Wait, you're a woman?

Wait, you're a woman?

Remember that time Daphne Zuniga went on a blind date with Robert Bork?

Remember that time Daphne Zuniga went on a blind date with Robert Bork?

They could have been born on opposite sides of midnight, thus having two different birthdays.

They could have been born on opposite sides of midnight, thus having two different birthdays.



The words "not unlike Lassie" are the icing that turns the cake into absolute perfection.

The words "not unlike Lassie" are the icing that turns the cake into absolute perfection.

There was actually an academic article about this phenomenon, but unfortunately I can't remember any details right now.

There was actually an academic article about this phenomenon, but unfortunately I can't remember any details right now.

The power of Judith Crist compels you.

The power of Judith Crist compels you.

The Simpsons is just like the Republican party — it got way worse after the year 2000.