Non-Giving-Up School Guy

"I'm not sure. All this equipment is used to measure TV ratings."

They stopped making new episodes sometime between 1998 and 2000. Right? Right?

Yes, his missing an "and".

Offending both Boston and New York at once. I like it.

Also, in the Jon Lovitz "Hanukkah Harry" skits on SNL in the mid-to-late 1980s, his reindeer were Moishe, Herschel, and Schlomo.

You don't fuck with a Frenchman's wine.

Como es Juan? COMO ES JUAN?


I thought it had already been proved beyond all shadow of a doubt that Yankees fans and Red Sox fans are all assholes.

In just a short time, he'll look even more like George Carlin.

I totally read John D. Fitzgerald! "The Great Brain" and all that.

True pop culture facts about Tuesday, September 11th, 2001:

"You said 'particle accelerator', but I didn't realize it was supposed to accelerate particles."

Crush on Ellie gone.

If she SAID "omg", as in "oh em gee", then that was the icing on the cake.

WHY, YOU…. (sputters)

There are too many people named John Stewart. It's like they're being produced by a factory, or a mill. A John Stewart mill.

My dad's from Sheffield! Nice to see it mentioned.

An interviewer once asked Weird Al Yankovic "What's your favorite boy band?" To which Yankovic simply replied, "The Beatles."