Non-Giving-Up School Guy

RIP the guy who prevented David Bowie from using his birth name.


I also have a reaction, but I'll type it here at a later time.

"Darlin', gonna spin ya in the state of West Virginia
Cruisin' on a liner on the shores of Carolina"

When it's raining.

Reddit uses "NSFL" (Not Safe For Life).

Perhaps if Owen Wilson had been offered a nose amputation, he could have been saved from his suicide attempt.

*Owen Wilson walks out*

@avclub-ac35a8c1338c3251c02bdd870b8b2245:disqus — you're probably essentially correct when you say the writers and producers are out of touch about how much the show sucks now. And I completely agree with the received wisdom on this site, that the downhill slide started roughly around Season 9 or 10. In fact, Season 9

Funny trivia fact: I'm pretty sure that I, in fact, didn't go outdoors yesterday at all.

In fairness, mentioning Rob Schneider is punishable by execution everywhere.

Yeah! Get 'im, and hang 'im from the branches of something!

I laughed but also said "No".

Enrico Pallazzo was Canadian!

Thoreau is like Ralph Emerson! Ralph Emerson is what I read!

I think we all have.

Apparently something like that once happened to M. Night Shyamalan.

I hipsterbate every night before falling asleep

Boy, they're really socking it to that Spiro Agnew guy!

Looks like those clowns in Congress are at it again! What a bunch of clowns!