Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Yes, I was going to say that this movie list allows people to guess your age pretty accurately.

Euchre? I hardly know'er!

I've had an ace-high flush and lost to a straight flush.

I agree. I'm from British Columbia, Canada, so I've been a Vancouver Canucks fan since I was a kid in the 1980s. After some of our very close victories in games against Boston or San Jose, some people's reactions were like, "Well, the Canucks barely even won." WTF?!? A one-goal win is a win.

George Carlin, 1971, on the subject of Muhammad Ali being allowed to return to his job.

"I can't set my VCR. I can't open a bag of airline peanuts. I'm a freakin' moron!" — Krusty the Clown

I'm also usually pretty good at spotting them, since I have an interest in p u r c ha s i n g **DESIG*NER*** HANDBAGS——

I guess now that I think about it, it's only in the past 300 to 500 years that really pale people like Louis CK and myself have become globally powerful.

"Now I'm not saying he was impecunious, but he made Leon Ray Livingston look like Montgomery Brewster's grandfather."

"I'm looking right at the box! I'm not even relying on my memory!"

Dad always said laughter was the best medicine.

I like Jon Stewart, but you're pretty much correct.

"Herding." Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Yeah, remember, if somebody's in a wheelchair, you should talk to them REALLY LOUDLY.

Someone else who extolled the virtues of washing your ass is James Kochalka.

Nope, that role is already locked up by Dick Cheney.

Starlight Express! Starlight Express! Starlight Express! Starlight Express! STARLIGHT EXPRESS. STARLIGHT EXPRESS. STARLIGHT EXPRESS.

We could quibble about this all day. The words are used in slightly different ways by different people.

As you may have guessed, it's inhabited by the ghost of my friend's dead father.