Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Thanks for that one @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus !

I laughed out loud at "
Eight slices of bacon, a bunch of paper towels, a microwave, and fuck off. "

I miss when commenters would refer to other commenters more.

You can't dawst for vomit.

You can type "Dawes" with one hand, just in case you're overcome with arousal at the thought of how awesome Dawes is.

In fairness, all English food looks that way. HEY-OH

To read Jerry Sandusky's "Touched" is to have taken myself apart, undone, touched at the place of my own…

"Mein Kampfy Chair"

I always imagine everybody as Christina Hendricks for some reason.

I agree with @avclub-91218c77f8f780cc1b0e00f826b155b8:disqus . I think we North Americans are far too uptight and puritanical about nudity and alcohol consumption. But unfortunately, if you tried to instigate change suddenly, like lowering the drinking age by three years, or allowing people to drink cans of beer on

@avclub-1610e83e676d7864749817e301683d65:disqus Not only the facial expression, but the little non-verbal sound he makes. "Who was that older girl?" "Goh, she's just…"

Yeah, I think she forgot to say "on Wikipedia".

After this many comments, we may have analyzed this movie to death, but there are two more things I wanted to point out.

That song… is that song about aliens, man? Is that what that song is about?

Son, you wouldn't know what to do even if you had gotten there!

Yes. I really like Dazed & Confused. But I'd hesitate to say "It's one of my favorite movies of all time!" That seems like overstatement. But if I'm at home on a Friday night and I've had three beers and I don't really feel like going anywhere, it's the perfect movie to put on.

@avclub-f7ab113fb2bdb9d5674ef9ab826d7979:disqus : Even though Observe & Report didn't really click with me when I saw it, your analysis is spot on. Well said.

Agreed. I didn't relate directly to many of the characters (I didn't smoke weed in high school, didn't drive, didn't play football, didn't go to any concerts in the next town over, only got drunk a couple of times) but I still related very much to the aimlessness, the hanging out, the waiting for something to do next,

It's interesting who does and who doesn't become a household name in these movies. Fast Times, as we all know, had tons of performers who went on to become household names, but I remember some people involved in making that film said that they thought Robert Romanus, who played Vic Damone, was really going places.

I remember exactly one occasion, right around my high school graduation, when I came home late and a little drunk, and my dad didn't bother asking where I was or who I was with, like he normally would have. I remember cluing in that this was essentially his way of saying, "Eh, it's high school graduation, you're just