Non-Giving-Up School Guy

A man with a tape recorder up his brother's nose


Well, how about a little Red Leicester?


I like how only 6 minutes passed between those two comments.

"Backstreet Boys? More like BackDOOR Boys, amirite folks?"

Movies like "The Pursuit of Happyness" or "Inglourious Basterds" are probably responsible for a large proportion of misspellings among people younger than a certain age.

How about those TV dinners? You don't have leftovers, you have reruns!

One could probably make a different list: Live-action movies whose opening credits are animated.

One thing that was interesting about that: Obviously the whole point of the Aristocrats joke is for comedians to out-shock each other. When you're immersed in shocking behavior, it's hard for one instance to really stand out. But when Cartman brought "the 9/11 victims" into it, I was like, "Wow, I can't believe he

"Do you know what's really funny? A man in women's clothing!" — British people

Whether or not "is a dumb" was intentional, I like the phrasing.

You like-a da juice, huh?

you get a "like" just for having "scientician" in your name

This needs more "like"s.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face!

Another thing I love about that scene is that when Marge says, "Homer, have you been staying up all night eating cheese?", she sounds only mildly surprised/annoyed. Like it's really not all that surprising at all that he would do so. It's the same tone of mild surprise somebody would use if they were saying, "Hmmm, I

I remember that I missed the chili pepper episode when it first aired. A year or so later, somebody was telling me how he really liked "The Simpsons episode where Homer eats a chili pepper that make him go insane, and Johnny Cash plays a coyote." And I was like WHAT. THE. FUCK.

I think I'm blind!

I wager 400 Quatloos on the newcomer.