Non-Giving-Up School Guy

"Faster, Grandma! Grandma's gaining on us!"

That's our Quagmire!

They're all brown eventually.

Fun trivia fact: Anthony Michael Hall's birth name is Michael Anthony Hall.

Yeah, his short A's sounded like short E's.

The word YOU'RE looking for is "is".

Failed Firthsies.

something something magic xylophone something something fired for that blunder… you know the drill.

I like all your dumb faces!

Yeah, there's really not much more to say. Except "Canadian: Lego", as I can attest from having grown up there (and being a big Lego fan as a kid).

Don't forget the Coca-Cola Classic!

Anyone remember a Lego-type toy called "Tente"? Man, that sucked.

Hey, you know what would be awesome?

Oh no! The chazzwazzers are all over the malonga gilderchuck!

Stop wearing your backpack over one shoulder! We started that!

It can be frustrating, but I guess I'd rather have too many jokes than too few.

I hate to pile on, but you make a couple of good points.

Are you one of those people who say "midtown" without specifying what city you live in, as a way of saying that you live in New York?

I agree with you. I liked the bank vault episode. They re-ran that one late last night (at least where I live) and I watched it again. But then I looked up the comments at the AV Club and found that many people disliked that episode.

It definitely happened in Bill & Ted, BTTF, and so forth — but the sheer ridiculous number of copies of Stewie & Brian might have gone a bit beyond what most other time travel stories do.