Non-Giving-Up School Guy

I loved Stewie's response to Brian's "Houston" remark. "Houston is for space, not everyday air travel!"

Perhaps this Homer Nixon is some relation.

I more or less agree with the above commenters. A solid B-type episode. It provided chuckles, was silly without being ridiculously random, and had a little bit of heart. The stuff about the "fun parent" vs. the "non-fun parent" rings true to a lot of families, and is obviously faithful to the Simpsons' personalities.

Failed ninetyfifthsies.

Now I know what to think of the next time I want an erection to die down.

Two Broke Girls is also a shitcom.

Also, Eric ought to be drawn about two feet taller than Tim.

Yeah, "in that image".

I'm basically on your side, BUT I think in general, one has to be careful with "just don't get it" allegations. If you're not careful, saying "you just don't get it" can start to sound a little like "I'm one of the sophisticated ones".

I agree. I like what I've seen of their work, but I totally understand why it evokes that love-it-or-hate-it reaction among crowds.

I remember several times in classic B&B episodes when they said that a particular music video looked like a particular kind of commercial. Sometimes, their observations were spot on.

Best user name?

I loved tonight's episodes.

We called that "swamp water". And we called soda "pop".

Local the rapist's offices?

Go ask Allice

"Hey Marmaduke! Get off the couch!"


Yeah, YOUR mom.

…though being punched in the head for a living can make one age faster.