Non-Giving-Up School Guy

I've lived in Newark, DE, since August 2010 (I work at UD).

Yeah, as I said above, I actually liked this episode. I thought the main plots were silly and nonsensical, but I thought the background jokes worked much more often than they didn't. For me, this episode achieved the required laughs-per-hour ratio.

Oh, Marge. Cartoons don't have to be 100% accurate!

Yeah, I honestly liked this episode and am really surprised to see the low grade. I agree that the plots were silly but I thought most of the jokes worked. I found it a very amusing episode.


Including several diseases that have just been discovered. In you.

He just missed it. As all Simpsons fans know, New Mexico became a state around the same time Arizona did, during a brief period in 1912.

What about Timecop?

It's weird how quickly you thought of blowing Dane Cook.


In their defense, it's almost like we've come full circle, since folks now say "people of color".

Whyyy is it that they call them the Pearly Gates, when they're not actually made out of pearls?

"Dean, I hope nothing unsavory happens on my visit to your campus. As you know, I am the President of the United States."

But lobsters aren't kosher. He must be a self-hating Jew!

"Liked". I especially like how our father conveniently reminds us of his own full name.

OMG guys, I've heard of Star Wars and various video games. I'm a nerd just like you!!1!

I saw something this week about the 10th anniversary of the iPod, and thought "It can't possibly be 10 years old!" and actually got slightly angry.

He seriously does. I almost feel embarrassed for noticing, since it's such a stereotypically Irish trait (Ted Kennedy, Conan O'Brien, Tim Russert, Pat Quinn, Rosie O'Donnell) but the man has an enormous potato-like head.

Yeah, one thing I always liked about B&B is that even though the protagonists are stupid, they often "accidentally" have insights. Despite their vacuousness, they don't totally suck at noticing little things about popular culture.

Tom Anderson is older, has a different wife, and either has no children or at least no children living with him.