Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Surprisingly, this is only the third weirdest thing Star Wars fans have ever done.

"Did he say 'making fuck'?"

I don't vote "aye" to that pun; I vote "neigh".

"I'm a very busy man."


"in the all-together"?!

Do you mean buttCHEEKS or buttHOLE? It makes a big difference to whether I agree with you or not.

They made a third Friday?

Hey cool, I now have a 0.000000037 percent chance!

I, too, had intimate relations with several of your mothers.

Just as long as they don't call it "A squared".

If only there were a word rhyming with "it" that I could use here.

Oh! The idea was to get a girl to put her hand into the popcorn!


Now I'm wondering what used to be posted there.

I like to imagine that the kids are just sitting on that couch for 7 years. Missing school, not changing their clothes, becoming emotionally and psychologically stunted and forgetting how to interact with the outside world.

I heard "splotchy".

"Poutine" is the fries/gravy/curds dish. "Putain" means "whore".

I am Canadian, and some of the funniest Canada references from earlier episodes were things that would actually happen in real conversations. Sometimes when I watched those, it would take me a few seconds to realize Americans wouldn't "get" them. Things like "hydro poles" or Harvey's orange trays, etc.

Also apparently you eat a lot of Slurpees.