Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Millions of Jews were born because of a tall laid-back guy who had a beard, but shaved the center of his upper lip?

I'm not a whiskey drinker, but reading the comments in this thread makes me never want to become one. God forbid somebody have the "wrong" tastes.

Are you saying something about Home Movies?

And so it seems the cat burglar was caught by the very person who was trying to catch him!


I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

How do you keep up with the news like that?

I believe you mean "Merfection is Pandatory"

LOL. I love "stoppeth" — as though using old-timey words is the same as not making it a question.

"See, that's Sir Stewart Wallace. He plays himself."

Irregardless, this begs the question of the enormity of this criteria.

Uh, huh huh. Yeah. Our world's going to hell in a handbasket. Huh huh, huh huh.

One of my favorite lines was when they were watching Jersey Shore when the gang is in the pizzeria. One of the guidos says something about spinning records, and Beavis says, "Oh I get it, records are round and pizzas are round. It's not funny or anything, but I get it."

Beavis asking "Why were we born as us?" while watching the LMFAO video is reminiscent of political philosopher John Rawls' theory of justice and the concept of the "veil of ignorance".

Yeah, I definitely relate to that too. My father didn't understand video games at all (almost nobody of his generation does), and also I was interested in juggling for a while, which my dad thought was a big waste of time.

"And now it's time for… The Big Ear Family!"

I came, I saw, I came.

It is, in fact, true that every recording engineer is named "Vinny" or "Tony".

And Sunday was Weird Al's birthday!

I'm going to buy this copy of Playboy, but I'll only be doing it ironically.