Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Can't they be both?

"You see, Muslims refrain from pork like this, whereas Jews refrain from pork like this!"

Somebody now needs to register the username "Doug Smoosh, Smug Douche".

A better analogy would be "I don't normally like olives, and so I don't order them on pizza, but then I had this one particular pizza with olives on it and I was surprised to find myself liking the way they fit in with the other ingredients."

Give Binky and Claudia their own show.

I remember liking the bit where he's on the telephone on the sex chat line or whatever. It's a great depiction of socially awkward loneliness.

I've never seen a joke dissected so much.

You added three extra letters on the front of the word "rapist".

Actually, you sold me there. I also have some musical likes that I'd be a little embarrassed about sharing with music critic types (Steve Miller, Lenny Kravitz). There is definitely something to be said for gut-level enjoyment of catchy well-crafted popular music that somehow hooks you in.

Will somebody buy this guy a radio?

With all due respect, this seems like a fairly minor point for people to be quibbling about. If you live in North America or Europe, then the majority of religious people are Christian. So it's not a huge surprise that discussion of religion vs non-religion would tend to get blurred with the distinction between

As long as you didn't want to have "pasghetti" with your aunt, I think you're good.

I knew we shouldn't have put that fireplace in the bedroom.

Failed firsties.

Hey Kate I think ur sexi I like ur comixs I think I am stalking u I hope thats ok??

This is more awkward than that time Daphne Zuniga went on a blind date with Leo Sayer.

I'm not trying to convince religious people to be the same as me, nor am I necessarily accusing them of being misguided.

I'm skeptical of the ability of subjective personal experience to say anything in particular about a "realm of reality beyond logic or the senses".

I won't say anything about the Eagles.

It might sound nice to say that there's a "non-empirical" realm, where there can be "truths" that have a "reality" despite being non-accessible by empirical means.