Non-Giving-Up School Guy

Hmm, the coin seems to be wedged between these two blades of grass.


But Marge, all my friends are there! Moe… Barney… The guy who calls me Billiard Bill…

Yes, but that almost rang true to me — growing up, some of the dorky or geeky boys happened to physically mature faster in certain respects (e.g. height, voice, hairiness) but were slow to emotionally or socially mature.

I find it absolutely hilarious that Homer inquires as to whether Burns has "heard of" Milhouse.

You probably mean "we nerds/geeks/whatever" and "all our own".

Yeah, that was a plotline I didn't really "get" or understand. That's a good candidate for this discussion, because it seemed like a misfiring or a miscalculation in a generally very good TV show.

Maybe I'm odd, but I seriously like Britney's New Look. I mean, I found it very disturbing too, but I thought it had some very sobering things to say about our obsession with celebrities. And normally I'm skeptical of Parker and Stone when they get all preachy about shoehorning in a message, but I seriously thought

"Hamlet" and "Casablanca" aren't that great. All the writers did was string together a bunch of well-known quotations.

Yeah, I have to give a big thumbs up to the X-Files one.

Holy crap, I forgot about the Israel one. Yeah, that's on my list.

Yeah, and being a 20-year-old with a shitty job definitely doesn't make you a victim. I mean, sometimes it does, but here in North America (and other wealthy countries) a great many bored 20-year-olds with shitty jobs did, in fact, grow up in a pretty comfortable and complacent middle-class setting, and kind of have

Yeah, I'm a man, and I've seen them occasionally, but definitely not often.

"Dean, I hope nothing unsavory happens on my visit to your campus. As you know, I am the President of the United States."

I don't remember seeing this poster before! I think I approve.

"Empath" is often used as a noun to describe people like Deanna Troi. This is consistent with the idea that "sympathy" is feeling sorry for someone from a distance, but "empathy" is more like getting inside their soul (i.e. "I know what it's like").


I wouldn't call Homer's Enemy a bad episode, but when I watched it, I might have laughed a few times, but one of my main reactions was, "A world where Homer succeeds and Grimes fails is a cruel and unfair world." At times, the episode is shockingly sobering, and reminds us all just how mean and self-centered a real


DON'T take a bow.