
As others have said, there's a lot to be said for finding actors who can work through the latex. I always found this less jarring than having Tim Russ play a badguy in TNG and then Tuvok in Voyager.

You probably meant to castigate James Horner.

"If nothing else, the music video led to the spilling of more seed than an explosion at a Monsanto warehouse."

@Sam: A duel, then? Naturally, after they've toddled for ten paces or so (unless they've seen something shiny or found a telephone to play with), the arbiter will say "Dwaw!" and they'll turn and fling oatmeal at each other. Traditions are important.

19 months, Sam Adams?
I'll see your greatest 19-month old and raise you - greatest 19-month olds as of today here with my twins. (I tease, I tease - but I'm pretty pleased by my children.)

Ken Holland's from my hometown!

Bear in mind that there's one ferociously awesome individual who bore the name Maurice without being diminished an iota:

It's been a long time. Let's hit that up on Youtube; considering that I finally listened to "Blue" by the Jayhawks for the first time in fourteen years or so, I'm probably due for Costello + classical.

Dominic-Vobiscum lists some pretty horrendous-sounding films there - especially the last three. No hate for them on the list?

I would love to see a Sister Mary Francis reading poster for high school libraries with the caption "Reading is the shit."

Hold on, there's a commenter named T-Bone with a shtick? This is the first post by him I've noticed. I also have no opinion yet, but now my radar's primed…

@phodreaw: "Even the undergraduates I used to teach, supposedly the best and the brightest, cared more for procedures and grades than actual knowledge or how we come about it."

Maybe it's just wikivandalism, but the Wikipedia page on David Peckinpah says that he's the nephew of Sam.

Odd time when I heard the news - busy eating a sub in front of the TV, tuned to Muchmusic, before heading back to school for a performance of "The Sound of Music." I played Rolf. I ended up being town crier for that one pre-show (not crying, but broadcasting) which ended up being false bravado: I didn't listen to

Amen to that.

*Holds revolver, waits patiently in line*

"When I see five weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in plain view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that's my policy."

Clever by half
Good ol' mashup culture. I hope I'm not alone in arguing that there's more artistry to this than those "pop culture meme" films - it's not just adjusting the sound, but also careful editing. The freeze-frames in the "White Trash Stormtroopers" are quite good; check them out.

Anyone else here endured this on "Space" in Canada when it started up? I kept thinking it was going to be that "MST3K" thing I'd heard about, but nooooo….