
Come with me if you want to live.

I'd rank this review higher than the episode - not that the episode's bad, but that the review is so effective and engaging.

I'm remembering enough of what annoyed me about the first one (all I've bothered with) and have been introduced to erratic, annoying music in one tidy little package.

"Judge… My name-"
"Oh, I think I will."

"Those beats are so fresh. SNAP!"

I could have sworn that I'd read more of his stuff, but it seems that "Interstellar Pig" is it. But what an _it_ - a worthwhile start, even as an adult. (I picked up a copy from the library of my old school when it closed. I recall now that it was the only one of his books that they had, so that must be why I

"The Once and Future King" - if you trust Wikipedia - was collated from a bunch of White's writings starting from 1938… which just fits into the post-WWI epoch. Ditto for "The Hobbit," no - a year before that or something?

His Criticism
Anyone care to expound upon it? Anything I should look for first? Is his blog worth it? I enjoyed this interview, but… well, it's summer and I'm lazy - and lots of y'all like to talk and opine, so why not give you the chance?

Testify, Gavin.

Re: TNG - Hey, I'm guessing that a significant minority of people have Patrick Stewart's voice in their head as the "default male British accent," so it's just giving the people what they need.

Indeed. And now I want that minifig head from the video. I wonder how long it'll take for a third-party company to release one?

It's awfully clear that it's not CGI for most of the frame - your eyes are just caught by all of the movement in CGI doing the lion's share of the "performance." Tough to say whether it's more one than the other.

A-coodle-doodle-oo! A-coodle-doodle-oo!

@Perd - I'd be fine with that. I put in a lot of time whenever I get a class of my own, at least three or four hours a night plus the same each day of the weekend. It's not tenable for years on end, but it'd deal with the student loans and set me up to go back to university for a job where the people you work with

No better role for the two of them. Nice quip for a stinger on the article, at that.

What's a babysitter make now? $4 an hour? $5? When you've got 30 students in a classroom, that'd be $120 to $150 an hour. Teachers are paid nothing near that hereabouts, let alone substitute teachers (i.e., "the babysitters.")

I'd completely forgotten "Do it for her" when I re-watched it for the first time in years a few weeks after my kids were born. Nothing better than sleep-deprived emotional tears.

Well, now I've got to dig out the DVD I have of everything Cap up until his assassination during "Civil War." I'd stopped collecting at the tail end of the collectibles and once Liefeld took over, but bought the DVD to catch up someday. Maybe now is someday, then.

Is there another album that comes close to "Out of Time" for having the second half so very superior to the first half? As good as the first half is, the second half just… y'know.

Spot on.