
@Think about it - Golden. That's lovely. Bravo, sir.

Are there spoiler warnings for nearly 50-year-old comics canon?

The hell with it; time to just watch the French games. Or is PJ Stock there, too?

I'm tired of the neanderthals on HNIC. And on TSN. And on SportsNet.

3rd'd. "Trouble" may have a weak back end, but the first half is absolutely killer - "Gift Shop"? "Springtime in Vienna"? "Ahead by a Century"? "Flamenco"? Fantastic.

"Courduroy" is a strong argument for "Vitalogy" — even as "Bugs" and "stupidmop" make for dedicated SKIP tracks.

I've always treated "Amnesiac" as the second disc of a two-disc set which the studio wouldn't let them bundle up - and I don't think that's an uncommon take on things.

Even if once a month an aged cultural player was interviewed… that would be something. This was an excellent interview.

If you've not read "Men of Tomorrow" by Gerard Jones, you should to see even more legal shenanigans. It's mostly focused on DC properties - especially the troubles of Siegel and Shuster - but it's awfully compelling.

Ouch, Londoner. Naw, I was a grad student - I never saw the inside of a dorm room since I was in the library or the department when I was working, or relaxing otherwise. Didn't see the point in lining up in the cold for a lame bar. I suppose I was a little harsh… but only the Runt Club was decent downtown, so

That issue with the obviousness is pretty much it for my problem with these episodes, too. There's a throwaway quip in Mordecai Richler's "Solomon Gursky Was Here" where the protagonist is suffering through a run of plays that Gursky's daughter is in and notes that whenever the radio is on it's always Chamberlain

London was a revelation - namely, it was revealed to me why beer is so central to Ontario. (Not for nothing is it "the May 2-4" in that province and no other…) Other than time spent on campus studying or in dorm studying or sleeping, most any free time for most undergrads seemed to be focused on partying on

I'd love to see that remake. Hell, I really should watch the original again - it's gotta be 25+ years since I last watched it.

Another entry in the sentences I would have never imagined typing sweepstakes: Dr. Clitterhouse is right. (Not that I doubt the good doctor's knowledge, but that the name is so preposterously over-the-top.)

Patriot Act. Read it.

I can't wait for the sequel to "Touch Football" - "Touch Football: Two-hand Shove."

Man, I didn't know there ever were 1st-year Social Studies teachers. I'd started my second year of substitute teaching then, and luckily didn't have to work on the 11th. On the 12th, I saw a lot of quiet high schoolers. I remember quoting the "Niven's Law" about freedom-times-security-equals-a constant - which

Daaaayum! Those beats are so freeeeeeeeesh! SNAP!

But it's epic Funky-See…sies. Or something like that.

Thanks, Obadiah. You've redeemed this pageview.