
"Captain America" by Waid and Stroman
An utterly shocking thing happened in 1995… suddenly "Captain America" had a new writer, a dynamic artist, and a pulse. The first arc under Waid's watch was a revelation - strong character moments, challenging situations, and dynamic action setpieces. (Stroman's art was great,

Way to come out from out of nowhere… and get favorited into my Youtube account. That's some excellent fun; I'll have to hunt for more tracks as my kids grow into music. (I will resist 'Wheels on the Bus' and whatnot with every fibre of my being…)

"A jabbing right hook? That he threw with his left hand?"
"This fighter's got incredible skills, Casey!"
Amen to the Cutman.

But only 'Mericin' songs. Like the Beatles or Stones or Zepplin weren't around at the time or important or something.

Hell yes on the "Grosse Point Blank" baby scene. Amazed, fatigued, and gobsmacked when my twins came home from the hospital, I put that on. It's not that I wasn't happy, but I wanted a little more amplification.

Favreau wrote "Swingers," he didn't direct it. That was done by Doug Liman.

At least there's the Fiona Apple album. Yeah, that may be about it.

Part of the trick is distance from the events, too. Look at the work that Hyden's doing on the 90s; there's enough remove from the music and the mindset that it's a bit easier to delve deeper and to find richer ideas. As has been noted, this seems to be a particularly crappy list of songs… though I was starting the

Funniest typo joke ever
"Ah, but I am once again getting of myself. " Perfect.

I'd also have to put in a good word for "No Code." It certainly was quieter, but it seemed more assured and confident than "Vitalogy" (which was mostly frustrating, I thought). There's a couple of weak tracks on "No Code," but the opener of "Sometimes" segueing into "Hail, Hail" grabbed me, and there were enough

Hasn't Radiohead pulled the same trick - albeit without Congressional testimony - since at least "Kid A," if not earlier?

The "Untitled" cut of "Almost Famous"
No mention of the commentary track of Cameron Crowe with his mother? That's a pretty solid gimmick, and also fairly excellent as a commentary.

Definitely present tense.

I find more and more people are Barks devotees - and having read the recent (last decade, anyhow) biography of Scrooge McDuck done in his style, I'm thinking that I'll have to search for some collections of his stuff. I want my kids reading good comics when they're of an age… though they'll likely just clamour for

"Achtung Baby" is still great. I'd rather listen to that than any U2 album other than "Joshua Tree" - and half the time it beats "Joshua Tree," too.

That Wilentz article is something. Man, politics just gets worse year by year.

Klostermann comes down on the other side of the equation, methinks - though I can't quote chapter and verse to back that up. Some of the vibe's there, but this is more rooted in the events of the time than the personal ruminations that are Klostermann's bread and butter.

Someone's got to dislike this movie…
…and I'm game. Too slow, too overwrought, too lame. Most of the secondary characters don't have anywhere near enough to justify having name actors in their roles, and the kid actors were annoyingly smug at the end. It was like seeing some sort of child's impression of the end of

Those Titles… This is a Major Joke, right?
Ghost Pimp? The Punks? Agent Mom? me2? Hats?

Ridley Scott's "The Wizard of Id"