
All the Spielberger King does to my photos is a) change my happy childhood photos into snapshots from a single-parent household, b) put me in the midst of highly fraught WWII incidents, or c) have them open tops in the worldwide box office while dinosaurs stalk me as though I'm Michael Buble.

An example of how "compare" can be misconstrued as "contrast" from MST3K:

Even if it is "Citizen Kane" - "CK" lost to "How Green Was My Valley" or something like that. The name alone makes it sound like something starring Robin Williams and Renee Zellweger in some sort of Iranian elections melodrama, no?

I wish I was special.

Hell yes, Cookie Monster. (Boy, it feels odd typing that sentence.)

Dur, dur, d'etre bebe…

Give it another four or five years before that sketch is optioned as a film…
…I'd likely be there opening day. Good times.


GhaleonQ - It's a fair point that too much clustering can be problematic. My evil twin in freshman year had gone to a school for the gifted which, he maintained, messed up he and several of his friends in various ways. Small sample size, I suppose, but the streaming options available when I started high school were

Thanks, you two above - that made my morning.

Totally missed this review earlier in the week when the whole conversation was raging. It sounds like things are pretty atrocious in many parts of the States.

Alternate Distribution… on the internet?
I`ve been trying to duplicate the TV experience of `MST3k`through youtube viewings, and it`s sort of missing a major part of the overall TV vibe - namely, there`s nothing shilling for upcoming episodes (or for the sponsors, though TV on DVD has killed that unfortunate but

I just figured that the floating heads were simply a migration from the covers of the team titles - where they'd have the heads of the roster up in the top left corner.

Is that you, Jodi Piccoult? Hi!

A positive review
It's odd to read this one after reading the attempt at a lambasting on "The Atlantic" this morning, where their review took aim at a juvenile tone and an embrace of mediocrities as characters, claiming this to be of a piece with 'The Corrections." I'm fairly confident that was just an effort at a

"Mind if I use your phone? If word gets out that I'm missing, five hundred girls will kill themselves. I wouldn't want them on my conscience, not when they ought to be on my face!"

Sterling Pooper may have had the better experience, then. I hit up a double-bill of this with "Finding Nemo" and had to sit through this to wait for the good film. It was a long wait.

Alas, but thanks for the reply.

"Barney's Version"?
Is anyone catching it from the AV Club? I'm hoping it gets a wide release, and news about how it's being received at TIFF might help it along…

Honestly, I was just remembering parts of "InnerSpace" today and then cycled right along into "UHF" from his role. It wasn't until this thread that all this clicked. He made an excellent foil in those films.