
Head to head spies played by Affleck and Damon, Summer of '02
Odds on back then was that both would fail. Imagine the longshot odds on having one of them get a critically-acclaimed series from it. I'd have been rich, I tells ya! Rich!

Also the reference in the freezing facility in "Space Mutiny" - the old guy is shown asleep or dead, and Tom Servo mutters in an old man voice, "Quiet! Mitch Miller is on!"

Why does Kevin Siembieda laugh about this? Was he another unfairly maligned former "partner" of MacFarlane's?

One less go-to source for character excellence. It was always a delight to see him crop up in something.

Too soon, JVS…. too soon.

Didn't he also do the "Do as you feel" therapist? It's a vital supporting role, though not as huge as Scorpio and Jacque, but I've always got to give credit for the awesome delivery of lines like "I loved her in that thing that she just did" and "His name isn't important!" (when Marge tells him that Bart's name isn't

@the cause of cancer - I think that was on Cracked last week or something; a feature about "famous people with different names than we know" housed that factoid. Or something like that for the article. It also said that Michael Keaton's real name is Michael Douglas, but that one was taken. He took Keaton from Diane

@No Coins Please - Hell yes. I spent part of the last year as a high school librarian, and I pushed the heck out of his YA novels. I remember using the poetry technique from "Semester in the Life of a Garbage Bag" with a grade eight class (flip at random, stab finger at random at a word, write a poem) and they loved

I had the unfortunate luck in freshman year of having the only comic shop in town close down that November - not only was there no chance of getting ahold of proper college comics fare and broadening my reading, but I also was able to pick up loads of back issues for about a quarter a pop. This kept me on with

Ye gods, yes - that opera scene was great. Once the action started, just action - no posturing and threats and quips.

Arrested Development vs. Death Porn
There simply hadn't been time - or even a cable connection for one sad year - when the show had originally been on to catch it regularly, but what little I'd seen, I'd loved. When I saw each season on sale for $10 at a Boxing Day sale, I jumped for it, since I'd been looking for

You don't hear much about it anymore, but there was a show called "Law and Order" from the eighties or early nineties. Someone should get on giving that a gritty reboot.

How can I forget that one? Man, I watched that last summer with the DVD player running while I got a night off and was just bawling. Hell, I'm tearing up a little now, though it doesn't help that yesterday was the end of the school year and I've no clue if there'll be an available teaching gig in September or if

Thanks for sharing
Some of those had to be difficult to talk about - or a relief to cop to, I suppose. It's a solid reminder of why I spend so much time reading stuff on this site.

Original Space or Blacktron, definitely.

wo for the win with the Toby quote.

The Bollywood monetary crisis is my new favourite fictional economic struggle, overtaking the collapse of the cottage industry for spiked dildoes.

Little-known fact: the original lyric for Alanis's "You Oughta Know" was "Does she Margaret Atwood you in the theatre?" but it was thought too regional and filthy a phrase.

@ Robutnik - those were crazy, crazy links. The latter especially, with the post-production manipulation. Wow… it's just awful.

Instead of a band for the wedding, there's a funk quintet doing a set with lyrics derived from King Bastard and Eh Me's back-and-forth. I look forward to the youtube video.