
An unabashed congratulations. That's just splendid!

"Johnny, does your mother still hang out in dockside bars?"
"Dockside bars?"
"Johnny, do you like baseball?"

I'm pretty sure that bottle opener is the reason why I don't get a lot of "Simpsons" stuff from family anymore - there'd often been a branded item here and there, but that clip of beergasming must have been the snapping point. I'm relieved.

I'd forwarded a Q&A question inspired by this film: for me, Jennifer Lopez basically gets a lifetime pass on the strength of this film, but I've had to make sure to try and avoid almost everything she's done since to let her keep it. I can't name another actor I've given such consideration to, but I'm sure there's

If it's "Pocahontas" or other lifeless pre-Pixar takeover, then I'm that curmudgeon. Sure, there's some decent, solid Disney to be had, but that movie was just utter sucksville.

@$51.50 - I liked a lot of "Tomorrow Never Dies" - particularly the underrated song by Cheryl Crow, Moby's version of the Bond Theme, and the sequence with the phone-driven BMW - but the combination of terrible slow-motion sequences that just broke the flow of the action, the evident re-write/drop of Teri Hatcher due

At Dumbledore Calrissian: "Live and Let Die" that low? I'd argue it's the third-0r-fourth best Moore, since "Moonraker," "A View to a Kill," and "Golden Gun" are easily worse, but I'd only put "GoldenEye" ahead of it from the Bronson films (though I've not seen "Die Another Day," but no one's begrudged that one of me

*grunts like a silverback gorilla, throws more shit on the pile*

If memory serves, Lucas's direction is either "again, with more energy" or "again." How much variation are we going to get?

Greater Toronto Area's something around 6 million, which the Globe and Mail sports section always tries to tell me is something around the top 10 for North America. I'm pretty sure that they forget that Mexico is part of North America, though, so that probably puts it back into the mid-sized option for cities large

Hairy fishnuts!

Hell, damn the small ones for lack of willingness to get these too.

Horror of horrors, when I tracked this one down on Youtube it had Eddie Murphy occasionally Klumping in the background. It was on the followup to "If" as well as the "Nutty Professor 2" soundtrack.

Any team with Jokinen has to wonder why they don't want to win. I'm a Flames fan, so I know that all too well. (And once Sutter trades Iginla away, I'll be a former Flames fan…)

The Janet Jackson song
No mention of it? Sure, she's done better things, and her sports stadium halftime escapades have overwhelmed her image, but I thought it was perhaps the least offensive of all of these, and probably the only one I wouldn't rapidy evade. (The soulDecision one is disbarred since I'm Canadian and

The only way to enjoy "Bills, Bills, Bills" is to imagine Eric Cartman singing it.

Ooo, another one for the "non-union Canadian equivalents" list! I kinda like Matt Good, but he seemed to want to be too many people - maybe once Kurt Cobain, later a Thom Yorke. Still, better than the guy from Our Lady Peace.

No love for "Oh Carolina?" Not a lot to it, but preferable to anything after.

Compared to all the crappy Superman songs and early 21st century radio-friendly male rage rock here, the Spin Doctors are almost worthy of some nostalgia. Almost.

It's a good day for riffing on the boards: " like Hercules cleaning the stables of pop music." Love it.