
An epic-level Newman quote, at that. Well done.

Did anyone catch "The Great American Snuff Film" and "The Greater American Snuff Film 2: Snuff Harder" here? I'd like to know if I'll be able to follow the plot of the new one if I missed the first two installments.

Years of Rice and Salt
It's been a while for that one, but I see what you mean. I enjoyed the end with the riff on Hayden White's "Metahistory," but I'm supposed to as a history grad student.

Well, now I have another youtube series to catch up on. I agree with the original poster — the sequence with Yoda in "Empire" set in contrast to the crap of the 2nd (and 1st) is excellent.

Re: don't need Yar and Worf. Remember, though, that both Worf and Geordi start out as low-level redshirts who take turns at helmsman for the first several episodes. It's second season (I think) for Geordi to become Chief Engineer, and Worf's just the redshirt who survives on away missions until he gets bumped up to

Amen to that. That video, that song… the future used to kick ass.

If memory serves, one of Bert with Osama bin Laden was used by a supporter for a poster for a protest in 2001.

Lobsters 1 - Nice one.

Wow, I can't even finish this thread from yesterday (clicked at 6:14 and then gave up and scrolled to the end) - like spacemonkey mafia, I'm also pre-"A New Hope," but 12 days instead of 5.

The Reference Thing
"Which brings us back to the point of pop-culture references. At their worst, references are a lazy way to fill out the dialogue in a scene without really saying anything at all. At their most insidious, references can be a way of weeding out the un-hip by winking and nodding only to those who "get

+20 Internets to Sugartits for the "A Winter's Tale" riff!

Don't forget having to play the clone of Steve Rogers which houses the Red Skull's consciousness!

Suspension of disbelief/genre primer:

Excellent call on "Country Feedback" - definitely one of the finest tracks from R.E.M.

It does sound pretty solid. I wonder what the reception in Italy's been like for this film.

What is "WWE Magazine?"

"God, bless Mommy, and Daddy, and Grampaw, and all my evil henchmen…"

Reign over me 2: the Griefquel

That "Planet Simpson" book mentioned the Armin Tamzarian episode as the clear break-point - over the top but insulting at the end with the judge telling us to pretend it never happened.

"I still support the railing system!"