
I was saying Boo-urns.

I'll trust there's a reason for "City Limits," though I've not seen it… yet.

Okay, you've covered most everything that's excellent. Good job, team!

If it's an episode of "Fresh Prince" that reflected the time and all that, the season opener after the LA riots - where they go back to the old neighbourhood and blah blah blah there's more work to do tomorrow - would be more apt, no?

It's got to be said in Frampton's defense: he's probably the best voice actor of the guest stars that week.

I'm not sure I'd go with "Haiti" being weakest, but that's partly because of Regine's voice and the excellent flow-together between "Wake Up" to it and then outro'd to "Rebellion (Lies)." That's a triplet that's always got to be taken as a single dose for me.

Sign me up! Hell, even if it were as simple as a few bucks which give you the right to partake in the festivities and a snazzy "name@razzies.com" email address, it would be a steal.

My fave is the thought of the sergeant rallying the riot-geared cops beforehand, leading them in cries of "for the health, safety, and well being of fans"! Say what you want, that's not only conscientious, but also keenly aware of the demographics at work in such a situation. No regard for the haters or gawkers on

@zedophile - We had to take scenes from "Kindergarten Cop" and PC-santize them in teacher college. Seriously. Other than the excellent reverse of the hot 7th-grade teacher sitting on the desk with her gams displayed for the class whilst reading a poem or something (with a male colleague perched at the front of the

"Simpsons" special
Anyone else wince at the juxtaposition of Conan saying that he was willing to write outlandish things for Mr. Burns for just a dollar (if in a field in Spain and plied with lots of wine)? It could come to that, though perhaps for much more money.

It's not Victorian dialogue, though - Victoria doesn't take the throne for another couple of decades. It's a book that's worth a re-read once you know the tale - it just flows merrily along once you get the hang of the dialogue.

I haven't read "The Magicians" yet (hell, I'm still working on "Anathem" - parenting infant twins has decimated my reading time), but I did read "SIWI" and thought the half with the villain was pretty solid. I was mostly skimming through what's-her-heroine's sections by midway, and found that helped.

The Fusilier's Speedloader.

From the "Symbols of Freedom" link above
"I am never disappointed with Thomas Kincaid's wall-hangings, throws, and pillows, not to mention pictures. It gives me such a sense of peace and I could stare at this wall-hanging all day.
He is an absolutely wonderful Christian artist and I applaud & support his work."

I'll stick my neck out and defend _some_ of the baby rawk stuff - I really like the Radiohead and Tool releases. It's nice to have something at naptime that's not waves or traditional lullabies or wind-up mobile music.

make it sew!

I still remember the sing-song kicker to the commercials for this one from my childhood, a rhyming sing-song of "Mac and Me! Rated PG!"

Also, under a picture of the Republican Presidential nominee in '96 — Bob Dole: "Bob Dole"

Wasn't "unobtanium" the game of the nose piece/ear piece material on Oakleys in the 1990s?

Hey, as a German-Norwegian Canadian I don't run into a lot of Guido/Gino types… except in the summer when most of western Canada tries to live that sort of de-shirted swagger while hereabouts on vacation. I used to think that it would stay decent so long as country music was the silent majority music around here, but