Wow. Just watched this episode a 2nd time. Really worth it. The editing from the beginning on is just sublime. All the foreshadowing started from the beginning of tonight's worthy. Emmy worthy. Amazing Race can't get this level of depth.
Wow. Just watched this episode a 2nd time. Really worth it. The editing from the beginning on is just sublime. All the foreshadowing started from the beginning of tonight's worthy. Emmy worthy. Amazing Race can't get this level of depth.
… umm what? Details.
I find it odd (still) that Frank Ocean is okay with Tyler using "faggot" so much in his raps still. Just me?
Eight Men Out is too depressing to be the best baseball movie ever. It's good, but it's not a movie I actively look forward to seeing on reruns.
Maybe for old people it's the best baseball movie, but for me the best baseball movie is either Major League or Little Big League. Or the Sandlot.
Anyone notice when Jeff pulled out the 2nd or 3rd vote for Sherri? His hand was shaking he was so excited for a blindside.
Umm.. yeah no shit. It's Michael Cera.
"A Milli" is amazing. Objectively speaking. Don't hate.
His best, "being an asshole" is "Michael Cera flips out" on youtube. It's a joke, but it actually seemed somwhat realistic.
Stern and Franco's interview made me like him again.
Funny enough, the one person who seemed like they were "acting" the most was Michael Cera. He can't play the "asshole" like NPH could in Harold and Kumar.
The exact opposite for me:
For me (even as a stoner) I'm not a big fan of Pineapple Expres. Whereas Superbad is my favorite high school comedy film ever.
I'd bet the Dorrit relationship is not gonna go anywhere. Unless they kill her off to be honest. IT's too weird for it not to. Very unsettling, i doubt they'd go this route.
His dancing is probably the best in pop music right now. JT and Usher used to be in the same league, but they got too old and stopped. Other than that, he sucks in every way possible.
"secretly"? His SNL and Fallon appearances prove he's hilarious.
Ari was amazing in the first 3ish seasons (up till he got hired back by Vince). After he started winning Emmy's though his acting became a lot worse for me. Who knows why.
For me, "push" would try to come across as "tripping over" or "i heard voices in the jungle, someone was coming" or something. My main point being how important idols are to be in your possession compared to an alliance member.
Am I the only one who saw this movie and loved it? So much to dissect in how it was shot now that I think about it. I'm seeing it again tomorrow…
Russell's season in All Stars is a MUCH better argument on why he is a bad player. He did many unnecessary and stupid things to people directly to their faces which caused them not to respect his 'game' moves. I attribute this to having only 20 days between seasons, and also either believing he won Samoa (and thus…