… so what type of players do you like then? Just curious.
… so what type of players do you like then? Just curious.
Unfortunately, the producers will probably do whatever it takes to keep Phillip over Corinne…
Honestly, if I went searching for an idol with someone and we both found it, I'd literally push the other person out of the way to get the idol first and 'claim' it if needed… but then celebrate and act like it was by accident afterwards. Getting that idol solely in your 'possession' no matter who your alliance is, is…
Brenda looked incredible last night.
Because not everyone plays idiotic games like Russell…
The insider clip with Phillip explaining why he threw the challenge is both the most delusional and saddest thing I've ever seen. Strangely enough I'd like to see him back, albeit with less air time.
This will become the worst season of all time if it ends up with Phillip goating his way to the finals. I swear every episode has already been 80% Phillip. Being that Probst called this, "the best season ever" I doubt that's the case.
I am sold. That's all that matters. Looks 100 better than the Olympus movie.
If you had told me the dude in the boyband Toys R US music video with macaroni curls would end up selling a million copies of his solo album (with 8 minutes songs!) in one week, I'd say "oh".
Sounds cool, but uhh… I'd gonna watch The Wire S4 again. Best TV ever.
Such as?
Update: This song is great to get laid to…. just saying, that should speak for something. Thoughts? Also heard rumors he might host the Oscars.
Serious question… am I the only one who realized Will Smith might be a douche? I loved his youtube, "Wills Wisdom". Always thought of him as very very smart guy, but still likable. Now I think he's a douche.
He would have been really good in the part… really good. I think people forget the dude has some legit acting chops (when he wants to); Pursuit of Happyness, Six Degrees of Separation, Ali he was miscast but gave a satisfying performance.. It's a shame his ego got in the way.
He did pretty good in Silver Linings
This is a really really inaccurate version of what actually (probably) happened. I shudder to think if Pacino and crew end up doing this for the Joe Paterno HBO movie.
Saw Pacino in Glengarry on Broadway this year as Shelly, and boy was it dreadful. Void of any real emotion, basically doing a drunk version of a whiny Jew (aka what he did in Merchant of Venice).
He got married to Jessica Biel (still is), but at the reception, this "hilarious" video of homeless people/transsexuals wishing the couple well leaked. It was in poor taste.