Star Trek VI plays up the no-gravity thing pretty well.
Star Trek VI plays up the no-gravity thing pretty well.
If you play Child's Play backwards
It's about a doll who uses his magic knife to heal people.
"masterpieces of teenage melodrama in under three minutes."
Analogy time!
Brian Wilson : Panda Bear ::
Mike Love : Avey Tare
Also, this question is better asked
…about Deerhoof.
For Radiohead's next depressing gimmick for a mediocre album
Have Angus Andrew write all the material and perform it. That way we'd get interesting music.
I'm assuming we all pronounce the planet as "BAY-jor," yes? Good.
You mean I can watch all the Twilight Zone episodes on my TV now? Excellent!
(TV breaks)
Ensign Ro
@The Ghost Of Tom Riddle:
Well, exactly the same except in Generations the Enterprise got TKO'd along with the Klingons. Generations was 94% shit, but I'll still vouch for the 6%.
To be fair, though, their death scene *is* pretty badass.
That poor crewwoman in "In Theory"
Hey, let me go around this corner to see what's going on…
The Runners Four
Second best album of the 00s.
Ugh. Ed Rendell. His concern-troll/PUMA antics during Campaign' 08 were as weak as you could get.
The Data A-story in Thine Own Self is solid. The Troi B-story? Ahhhhhh, not so much.
Next week's "First"
Better damn well be Picard's interrupted speech in "The Drumhead," or there will be some serious issues.
Checked out on this crap after the first 4 eps
But I'm curious if there's some clips out there showcasing V's crummy CGI.
I'm probably the only person in the world that thinks Some Loud Thunder is CYHSY's best album. Took me around 30 spins to get there, so I don't begrudge anyone for checking out early.
It is my Project D.E.S.T.I.N.I.