D.N. Nation

"R.I.P.D. was D.O.A."

Does Charlie Day cut the brakes on one of the giant robots at one point?

Cue Eric Cartman singing the Wild Wild West theme song.

Nothing tops Voyager for crappy episode titles.

Weyoun: What is that?
Dukat: A message from Sisko.

I swear the breakdown on Of Montreal's "Suffer for Fashion" is a nod to the Press Your Luck board music.

Wayne Brady would've been perfect.



Christgau is trash.

If you can't hum "Desire Lines," you might need to see a doctor.

Delete this rule. You're missing Friend Opportunity and The Runners Four.

Except Pavement can't hold Deerhunter's jock, so.

Yes! Finally got a…..DAMMIT!

Now I'm sittin' by myself, talkin' to myself.

Hmmm. We'll see. John Oliver is great….in small doses. Don't think they'll be able to have him do Stewart's straight-man schtick during the reports.

For all the talk about Karen O's aesthetic evolution, something needs to be said about Brian Chase. Dude was the most clean-cut person in the band when they started out, and now it looks like they stole him from mid-70s Skynyrd.

"Speaking in my official capacity as a Pulitzer Prize winner, Mr. Schneider, your movie sucks."

This piece of crap needs a Spoiler Space!

I thought that at the time, but years of listening to it weakened me to its charms. "Maps" is even more effective when it comes after a few tracks of sneering/noodling around.